Ditch the Store Runs

Are you still sending your remote employees to the store to purchase a laptop on their first day? If so, it’s time for a change. Imagine being a new hire and having to make a pit stop at the local electronics store before even logging into your company’s system. Talk about a bumpy start!

Let’s dive into why this old-school approach is a no-go and how Raal is here to save the day. 🚀

The Employee Perspective

Picture this: It’s your first day at a new job, and instead of getting a warm welcome and a shiny new laptop, you’re handed a shopping list with a budget and sent to the store…

As a new employee, I want to feel welcomed and valued. I don’t expect perfection, but sending me to buy a laptop with my own money and wait for reimbursement? That’s a major red flag. It feels more like a DIY project than an onboarding process.

Starting a new job should be exciting, not exhausting. Imagine spending your first day navigating the aisles of a tech store instead of meeting your new team. It’s awkward, inconvenient, and frankly, a bit of a letdown.


Understanding the Logistics Challenge

We get it—logistics can be tricky. Ensuring that laptops are delivered to your employees’ doorsteps on time isn't always a walk in the park. There can be hiccups in the supply chain, delays in shipping, and unexpected customs hold-ups.

But here’s the thing: a smooth onboarding process is crucial for making a great first impression. When new hires spend their first day running errands instead of getting acquainted with their roles and colleagues, it sends the message that the company hasn’t quite got its act together.

The right tools should be ready and waiting for them. After all, you wouldn’t ask someone to start baking a cake and then tell them to go buy the ingredients first, would you? It’s all about setting up your new team members for success from day one.

Introducing Raal’s Solution

Raal can streamline the delivery of laptops and other IT equipment, making the process smooth. No more last-minute store runs or reimbursement headaches.

Raal ensures that your new hires receive their laptops right at their doorstep. Imagine their delight when they open the door to find their new work laptop waiting for them—talk about a warm welcome!

With Raal handling the logistics, you can focus on what really matters: integrating your new hires into the team and getting them up to speed without any unnecessary detours. Say goodbye to logistics nightmares and hello to happy, productive employees.

Expanding Coverage

Exciting news! Raal is expanding its coverage. Need to ship a laptop from Europe to the USA or Canada? No problem! We’ve got you covered. Whether your new hire is in New York, Toronto, or anywhere in between, we’ll make sure they get their tech on time.

This means no more worrying about international shipping hassles or delays. We handle all the details, ensuring a smooth and timely delivery. So, whether your team is spread across continents or just a few time zones apart, Raal has your back.

If you need to ship your company laptop across the pond, contact us, and we’ll find the perfect solution for you.

Contact us today

Don’t let your new employees start their journey with a shopping trip. Improve your onboarding process with Raal’s seamless IT logistics solutions. With our expanded coverage, shipping laptops from Europe to the USA or Canada has never been easier.

Ready to upgrade your onboarding process? Contact us today! Let Raal handle the logistics, so you can focus on growing your business and welcoming your new hires with the red carpet treatment they deserve.

Together, we can make sure every new hire feels valued and equipped from day one. Let's make global growth a breeze!

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more exciting updates and insights from Raal. 🌍💻📦